Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rumors On Some New Films?

Why hello there everyone! I have some news that I have been DYING to release to you all. I just may have gotten some very, VERY inside news about films coming in the next couple of years!!! Now I won't spend time bragging about how amazing the Douglas Fairbanks & Mary Pickford are. After all, they are considered the queen and king of movies from our generation! But here is some information that you may not know, they have recently gotten married and I am SURE there home is going to be fabulous and known as the biggest party place for all of they're celebrity friends. It is rumored that Jack Dempsey and Babe Ruth will make a debut in a film shortly. Hmmm athletes trying to be actors as well? (I knew they had the talent!) Charlie Chapman should be creating some fabulous story lines in the near future in which I can't wait to find out more about! Saving the best for last, 3-D movied will soon be in existence. For those of you who don't know what that means, it is when it looks as though the movie is actually popping out into your face! I can't wait to try that out!!

Other Upcoming Movies:
"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”
"The Kid"

That's all for now XO

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